Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Fall of Earth

  -years ago I had a dream

-there were some of the cast of Coronation Street in the 1960s

-they were talking in the set of the Pub the Rovers Return

-Earth had slipped badly

-they were saying how things in society can be cruel at times

-but sometimes they just aren't talked about

-the world had become more dangerous etc

-the Police would torch people some times

-this went on until one of CHARLIES' ANGELS

-actress Jacklyn Smith who played Kelly Garrett

-was in the surf

-a Policeman came on to her too much

-and the public outcry helped straighten things out

-I once imagined or mis-understood about 1991 while I was sitting in Robbins Park by the Police Station


-this happened years before I had the dream

-about 12 Police came in to the Park and sat in a row facing me with batons

-it would be impossible with my life since then and encounters for them to have been threatening me

-in Best of DC Digest 35. Years Best Comics Stories

-the Fury of Firestorm 7 'Plastique is another Word for Fear'

-I put the Digest on hold at Books 'a' Plenty but never wound up going back for it

-I got a second hand copy years later

-one of the pages of the Firestorm story was ripped

-that might have been me without meaning to cause this to happen to Earth

Wicked Witches

 -Wicked Witches

-of the North actor Tom Holland who might have been meant to be my husband once

-of the South Prince William

-of New Zealand that went to my High School close to the year I was in

-neighbor Steven Chambers

-celebrity Tim Balme

-Wicked Witches of space. Jesus Christ with a dress like an Angel. And maybe going on to be like Darth Vader

-possible affairs leading to children

-with Royal figures. Each with the themes of oceans

-with Diana fathering Prince William. I saw her and Charles at the opening of BAY COURT Theatre

-with Diana fathering Harry. On a CRUISE there was a couple looking just like Charles and Diana. She had a full beard

-with Kate wife of William. They were in New Zealand. Kate was in a close city. They were there about the time Charlotte was conceived. When I was young I dropped a piece of CHOCOLATE in to the TOILET BOWL

-with MEGHAN MARKLE wife of Harry. I once heard on the radio Donald Trump's wife MARLA MAPLES had been caught by a Policeman on the BEACH with a man

-maybe I accidently set off the Royals' problems. Like the character Deathstroke the Terminator set up the super-heroes team the New Teen Titans to start fighting and turn on each other. And go on to have ruined lives

-maybe I caused the Royals to keep splintering 

-and caused them to be trapped in incredible pain forever when they died

-like Diana died in a car crash in the Thames Tunnel 


  -I have ordered that have just arrived in the country

-about 20 super-hero comic issues with darker more mature themes to them

-most with characters that were popular

-but these versions are darker

-to help try to get up my safe afterlife for almost all

-I avoided buying these ones

-it looks like my lists of miracles have gone out

-and I have gone back to buying any issues I want

-the dream I had in 1991. Of across the landscape only small, white, wrecked spaceships

-maybe saying Earth's future

-because of corrupt stars and companies

-all is closed. No services, power, food etc

-and the main Phone / Internet companies closed. Meaning it maybe impossible for anything to stay working

-finally I have a way out of marriage. The piece of lint I found shaped like a Halo or a ring

-because of companies if I didn't stay married they had it in their contracts to close

-and celebrities put in their work constantly. The wife will have public affairs. Bringing her boyfriend in to our home when she wants. At meals, to spend the night. On family or important events. And her friends and family would accept him

-she could treat me how she wants. But I would have to make the effort of always trying my hardest telling me I love her

-I don't ever want to have a wife or any more children. Or even friends

-because with my past and people trying to ruin it. They will never love me truly or anywhere near that. Like anyone else

The Darkening

  -today I put a Bid on Trade Me for a set of A Nightmare on Elm Stret DVDs

-and I ordered through a US Back Issue Dealer

-Tales of the Teen Titans 41 to 43. That I had cheaply sold off. 7 issues of the more mature 1984 series at it's start all the first issues. And the final issue

-the characters' lives set up to maybe be always bad. By Deathstroke the TERMINATOR

-and the issues I needed of the more mature 1984 Legion of Super-Heroes series at it's end

-with their lives ruined by letting too corruption in them by the TIME TRAPPER

-and the Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 1

-and the issue of Superboy 237 with them in called No Price too High

-I once had the Australian reprint. Maybe meant for a school friend CHRIS PILDITCH's birthday

-COMPUTER PROJECTION. As in me with a computer in early 1984. And the character Princess PROJECTRA

-on the logo of the Australian issue were colored black angled lines

-like the fictional leg hairs I saw in a magazine on star 'MARKY MARK' Wahlberg. Long, black and far spaced. And the lines look like an electric chainsaw going around

-A Nightmare on ELM Street films. Across the Street from my home are The ELMS flats. Once called D&G / ANTI GOD / Anti-Jesus flats

-maybe after avoiding these comics with darker and threatening connotations to me. I started to buy them

-maybe that will mean my ideas for a DARKER more TWISTED Earth

-the rest of space has miracles making it like a Paradise

-like 1990s comics. Darker with paranormal parts. And badly done in figures

-like at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. From out of my wall maybe where my bed was. Came an all BLACK / DARK figure of a man. Carrying a silent black electric chainsaw

-like maybe he was referring to the Nightmare on Elm Street films

-like the dream I once had of a middle aged woman. The right height with long black hair tied up on top of her head. Wearing like an Old West long white dress

-she was called BLACK Bess in the dream

-decades later I heard the horse of Highwayman Dick Turpin was called Black Bess

-Dick TURPIN and BLACK Bess. DARK TURNING. Maybe with this the miracles TURNING Earth DARK will happen. Like on my Blog-

-a few nights ago I was lying in bed in the DARK. I thought I might have seen the dark figure of maybe a woman just through the glass. I called out Who is it a couple of times

-in 2024 I went to check the front glass sliding door was locked. I thought I might have seen a right height male all DARK just through the front door. I called out Who is it twice. And rose my arm

-Friday March 31st 2017. At the base of the mountain MAUAO / MESSIAH / ANTI-MESSIAH. I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Each line had six 'B' or 'p' like in 666

-I turned to go back to the Bus. On the other side of the Road were a couple. One looking like an Indian 1990s drawn Bruce Wayne. The DARK Knight. He was with a woman looking like Lois Lane played by Erica DURANCE / DARKENS. Getting back on the Bus was a Mental Health client woman named LYNETTE ECOLES getting off. As in LINE ECHOES / 666. LYNETTE as in ETERNITY. The night before I went against what I was told not to do. I added a second Blog called BIG LITTLE. We were at the base of Mauao in Mount Maunganui. Where parts of the Terra landscapes were copied out

-I paid $66.50 / 666 in total for the Nightmare on Elm Street DVDs

-I paid for them from a Dealer named BROUGHTON. As in BRITAIN or BABYLON BROUGHT ON

-I fell asleep when meaning to pay for them. Waking up about 15 minutes after midnight. Like on New Year's Eve 2000. I was lying on my bed wanting to see in the new Century. I fell asleep at 15 minutes to midnight and woke up 15 minutes after midnight

Friday, January 31, 2025


 -today Saturday February 1st 2025

-I found a piece of real proof of my paranormal experiences 

-when my shirt was pulled up sitting on my navel / belly button

-was a Halo shaped piece of lint / fluff

-the size of a fingernail

-I have thought lint appears strangely there. Especially when it first started about 1987

Endings...and Beginnings

 -towards the end of 1995 one afternoon

-I was pacing around my bedroom

-daydreaming my father was Superman. And his two sons looking like New Kids on the Block members Jordan and Jon Knight were harassing me through my mind

-suddenly in my thoughts I pictured an upside down Pyramid image with Superman inside it

-and maybe a Knight brother on each side of it

-Superman began to savagely harass me

-NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. A KNIGHT brother on each side

-I get the super hero powers I have wanted

-the first letters of each power. The same as the first letters of once special themed rooms of my HOUSE 

-Superman in a PYRAMID

-I get the exact same appearance as the man Christian 'PAREDES' had in the Hot Stuff muscle  supplement add

-HOT STUFF like Superman was savagely harassing me

-maybe I get the Messiah like personality I saw in him

-that year things had been building up

-I went a few times to New Zealand's biggest city for the day

-I saw the Hot Stuff muscle supplement add with Christian 'Paredes' in it

-that day I had been to a Salvation Army Minister with concerns about a type of guide a 'dubious' one I missed out on because I went to a Psychic 

-when I got home that afternoon to my grandmother's apartment in a Retirement Home

-it looked like an electrical short circuit on the foliage bank facing my room

-after I saw the Pyramid image I was lying down on my bed

-for a few times my body was thrown from side to side on my bed

-I tried to cut my wrist with a knife but it barely left a line

-I was taken to the local Psych Ward that night

-that day was the closest to voices the thoughts had been

-a Staff Nurse at the Ward took my watch

-I got it back the next day. They did not know why it was taken

-with the next day the magical thinking began

Thursday, January 30, 2025


 -I had an idea my miracles and a TV series about me Days of our Lives

-might be set off by a massive volcano. All around connected countries

-in 2000 I went on a holiday to the US

-in one night I got lost at each of three Washington DC Memorials or Monuments

-maybe they represented each a volcano

-maybe that night I appeared somewhere else

-in a Cinema toilet in 1974. Seeing The Towering INFERNO. It was all dark in there. A young Maori boy held up a FLAME at me. My High School emblem is a FLAMING TORCH. The idea of too a line of comics created on me like Archie. I soon after lived in James COOK Street

-so maybe those are the three volcanoes too

-I had the idea from watching a Lord of the Rings film the Return of the King

-everywhere. Except probably Earth

-would appear 'platforms' of flames

-designed to look like someone is planning with magic powers to recreate almost everywhere

-with miracles

-these platforms of fire would be spaced. Ideally done so you can always see a few at a time from you

-they can't spread or be put out until the miracles begin

-ideally the miracles would go out either when I get the last repair works done. Or May 19th 2025. One year since I began to redo my planned miracles, got the kmatt1 new Blogs, and began to get new goods for my home using an inheritance

-the flames fitting in with at the Cinema, James Cook Street etc

-these around all of space. Maybe being what the volcano sending lava to the whole of a country

-and somehow these platforms of fire. Indicate when the miracles will start

-with this one being the last real Universe

-'Revelations.' Saying I don't overwrite this Universe erasing everyone. The previous about 60 Universes came one after the other with different themes

-our one continues on. With almost all having the power to do anything. Like create as many Universes any way you like with a thought

-so all have the power of God

The Fall of Earth

   -years ago I had a dream -there were some of the cast of Coronation Street in the 1960s -they were talking in the set of the Pub the Rove...