Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Darkening

  -today I put a Bid on Trade Me for a set of A Nightmare on Elm Stret DVDs

-and I ordered through a US Back Issue Dealer

-Tales of the Teen Titans 41 to 43. That I had cheaply sold off. 7 issues of the more mature 1984 series at it's start all the first issues. And the final issue

-the characters' lives set up to maybe be always bad. By Deathstroke the TERMINATOR

-and the issues I needed of the more mature 1984 Legion of Super-Heroes series at it's end

-with their lives ruined by letting too corruption in them by the TIME TRAPPER

-and the Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 1

-and the issue of Superboy 237 with them in called No Price too High

-I once had the Australian reprint. Maybe meant for a school friend CHRIS PILDITCH's birthday

-COMPUTER PROJECTION. As in me with a computer in early 1984. And the character Princess PROJECTRA

-on the logo of the Australian issue were colored black angled lines

-like the fictional leg hairs I saw in a magazine on star 'MARKY MARK' Wahlberg. Long, black and far spaced. And the lines look like an electric chainsaw going around

-A Nightmare on ELM Street films. Across the Street from my home are The ELMS flats. Once called D&G / ANTI GOD / Anti-Jesus flats

-maybe after avoiding these comics with darker and threatening connotations to me. I started to buy them

-maybe that will mean my ideas for a DARKER more TWISTED Earth

-the rest of space has miracles making it like a Paradise

-like 1990s comics. Darker with paranormal parts. And badly done in figures

-like at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. From out of my wall maybe where my bed was. Came an all BLACK / DARK figure of a man. Carrying a silent black electric chainsaw

-like maybe he was referring to the Nightmare on Elm Street films

-like the dream I once had of a middle aged woman. The right height with long black hair tied up on top of her head. Wearing like an Old West long white dress

-she was called BLACK Bess in the dream

-decades later I heard the horse of Highwayman Dick Turpin was called Black Bess

-Dick TURPIN and BLACK Bess. DARK TURNING. Maybe with this the miracles TURNING Earth DARK will happen. Like on my Blog-

-a few nights ago I was lying in bed in the DARK. I thought I might have seen the dark figure of maybe a woman just through the glass. I called out Who is it a couple of times

-in 2024 I went to check the front glass sliding door was locked. I thought I might have seen a right height male all DARK just through the front door. I called out Who is it twice. And rose my arm

-Friday March 31st 2017. At the base of the mountain MAUAO / MESSIAH / ANTI-MESSIAH. I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Each line had six 'B' or 'p' like in 666

-I turned to go back to the Bus. On the other side of the Road were a couple. One looking like an Indian 1990s drawn Bruce Wayne. The DARK Knight. He was with a woman looking like Lois Lane played by Erica DURANCE / DARKENS. Getting back on the Bus was a Mental Health client woman named LYNETTE ECOLES getting off. As in LINE ECHOES / 666. LYNETTE as in ETERNITY. The night before I went against what I was told not to do. I added a second Blog called BIG LITTLE. We were at the base of Mauao in Mount Maunganui. Where parts of the Terra landscapes were copied out

-I paid $66.50 / 666 in total for the Nightmare on Elm Street DVDs

-I paid for them from a Dealer named BROUGHTON. As in BRITAIN or BABYLON BROUGHT ON

-I fell asleep when meaning to pay for them. Waking up about 15 minutes after midnight. Like on New Year's Eve 2000. I was lying on my bed wanting to see in the new Century. I fell asleep at 15 minutes to midnight and woke up 15 minutes after midnight

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The Fall of Earth

   -years ago I had a dream -there were some of the cast of Coronation Street in the 1960s -they were talking in the set of the Pub the Rove...